What we really have to do is stop looking for approval and validation from others. And I'm not saying this to sound like a jerk and I'm not saying it because I'm upset I'm saying it because it's true.
We need to learn how to validate ourselves. It's sad, of course we all want validation from others. But to be honest we're not always going to get that. And it's not because people are coming from a bad place it's because other people have other things going on in their lives. And the one thing I've learned over the last few years is not everybody has the same heart and mind and thoughts as you do. We want others to treat us how we would treat them but that's just not always going to happen. And I don't mean this from a negative point of view I mean it from a reality point of view. We can do good for others until we're blue in the face and the reality is we might not always get that back. And we have to be okay with that. We have to keep doing these good things for others not for what they're going to give back for us but for what it feels like for us to give that to them. It's a really hard thing to digest. Trust me I know this. But never stop being you, because you're not getting validation from others. It's going to come back around. It really is. Karma is a real thing. I know some people don't believe it but it really is. Just keep putting good out into the universe and into the world and keep following your path. Every single person on the face of this Earth has a purpose. We all fit into a special spot that was created just for us ❤️ Love, Jennifer Everyone always thinks it is not going to happen to them, at least they hope it never will. I always thought the same thing until one night I was in the shower and found a lump in my left breast. I honestly wasn’t worried at first because I have no family history. I just thought it was a cyst and so did my family doctor. He sent me for a mammogram and from that determined I needed a biopsy. Then I started to worry. After a couple long weeks I got the dreaded news that no one ever wants to hear. I have breast cancer. Due to no family history they recommend I have a double lumpectomy and some lymph nodes removed. After a few weeks of healing and a couple complications I started 7 weeks of radiation at the Walker Cancer Clinic. Radiation is exhausting and resulted in third degree burns to my breast. They sent my tumors off for testing and they came back as a triple negative breast cancer so I started genetic testing. I have waited 6 months for the results and today I found out they came back negative!!! This means I get to keep my boobies and my children and siblings do not need to be tested. This makes me extremely happy. I write this to tell you my journey and to make you aware to do self checks. If I had not caught this when I did it would have been a very different outcome. I always made sure to stay positive and to try and keep a smile on my face. It is amazing what a positive mind can do. I did this photo shoot to document this time in my life and at the time these were taken I wasn’t sure if a double mastectomy was in my future. I wanted to just feel like myself and feel beautiful again after all I have been through. Cancer affects everyone around you, your family, friends and coworkers. I have honestly had the most amazing support system. I want to thank everyone from my daughter’s hockey team, my entire family, all my friends and all the wonderful staff at the Walker Cancer Clinic. You all sure do know how to make a girl feel loved <3 - Becky |
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